Brevinor is contraceptive for women who do not wish to fall pregnant.
Can I buy Brevinor online?
The Online Clinic can prescribe Brevinor if you have previously had a combined oral contraceptive medication. Please complete a quick online consultation form that will be reviewed by a doctor to ensure this medication is safe for you to take.
What is Brevinor?
Brevinor is classified as a combined oral contraceptive, often referred to as ‘the Pill’. Brevinor is comprised of two female hormones - an oestrogen called ethinylestradiol and a progestogen known as norethisterone. These hormones act in the same way as those your body produces, with a role in the presence of cervical mucus to facilitate sperm movement and thickening of the womb lining (endometrium) to receive an egg. Brevinor prevents pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation (egg release), thickening cervical mucus to present a barrier to sperm, and making the endometrium inhospitable for egg implantation.
How to use Brevinor
Brevinor is a tablet. The first tablet is started on the first day of your bleed (period). Take the tablets in order and take one at the same time each day until you finish all 21 tablets in the blister pack. Do not take any tablets for the next 7 days. During these 7 days, you will likely have a bleed. After 7 days, start the next blister pack. You are protected from pregnancy as long as you follow these instructions. If you do not have periods, then ask your doctor when to start. If you can't start taking the tablets on the first bleed day, you can start on the second to the fifth day but you must use an additional method of contraception (e.g., a condom) or avoid sexual intercourse in case you are not protected.
A missed tablet should be taken as soon as possible (that could involve taking two tablets on one day) and then continue as usual. Note that if you are 12 or more hours later than usual in taking a tablet, then you must use an additional method of contraception for the next seven days. If you have six or fewer tablets in the blister pack after missing a tablet, finish the blister pack and start the next one without the usual 7-day break (you will then be protected). However, you may not bleed until after taking both blister packs or bleed when taking the tablets (this is not unusual and of no harm). If you take more tablets than instructed, you are advised to seek medical attention immediately; you may be sick, or have breast swelling or vaginal bleeding.
It is important to know that if you have sickness and/or diarrhoea you may not be protected. Continue taking the tablets as directed, but use condoms while you are unwell and for 7 days after you recover. If you finish the blister pack during these 7 days, then start the next blister pack without having the 7-day break.
If you stop Brevinor then there is a risk of pregnancy. It is recommended that Brevinor is stopped for 3 months prior to trying to conceive. After having a baby, you should not take Brevinor if you are breastfeeding (it may reduce milk production); get advice from your doctor about alternative contraceptives. If you do not breastfeed, Brevinor can be started 21 days after the baby is born. This will afford immediate protection. If started any later, take the tablets for 7 days before assuming that you are protected. Some women can take Brevinor immediately after a miscarriage or abortion. If you wish to have a baby, breastfeed or have had a miscarriage, contact your doctor for advice on use of Brevinor.
When changing your brand of oral contraceptive, take the first new blister pack tablet on the day after completing the old blister pack. You will not be at risk of pregnancy but may experience a few bleeds.
Who can use Brevinor?
Brevinor should not be taken if you are allergic to ethinylestradiol, norethisterone, or any of the other constituents of this contraceptive. Do not take it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Additionally, do not use Brevinor if you (or a family member) have had blood clots; have/have had a heart attack, stroke or angina; high blood levels of fats; cancer of the breast, vagina, cervix or womb; whole body itching, jaundice (known cause), pemphigoid gestationis (a blistering rash); chronic liver disease; vaginal bleeding (known cause); and severe migraines.
Before taking Brevinor, let your doctor know if you have heart and blood vessel disease, high blood pressure, migraine/headaches, seizures, breast problems or uterine fibroids, irregular periods, kidney or liver problems, severe depression, visual disturbances, asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, inherited deafness, porphyria, sickle-cell anaemia, or brown skin patches that develop during pregnancy (but may not go away completely). There is a risk of a blood clot (thrombosis), and breast, cervical, and liver cancer if you take Brevinor, although it may protect you from ovarian and endometrial cancer. If you are going to have surgery, tell the doctor as you may have to stop this contraceptive and use another. Also, Brevinor does not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases; do not go unprotected, use a condom for safer intercourse.
Tell your doctor about all your current medicines as well as those you have taken recently or may soon take, as they may affect Brevinor's protective effect. Specifically, mention medicines for epilepsy, any infection including HIV, and St John's wort. Brevinor may affect the results of certain laboratory tests, so tell the doctor or person taking the sample that you are taking this contraceptive.
Brevinor side effects
If you experience breathing problems, wheeziness, chest pain, fever, swelling, rash or itching call a doctor immediately as this may be an allergic reaction. Other reported serious side effects include coughing up blood, swollen/tender stomach, painful swollen leg veins, migraines/severe headaches (either if you have never had them or if they are worse than usual) and especially if you also have visual disturbances, weak or numb limbs, seizures, dizziness/fainting, or sight or speech problems. Other side effects include high blood pressure, intestinal disturbances (e.g., nausea, stomach upset, and appetite change), weight gain, depression, swollen/sore breasts, change in libido, irregular vaginal bleeding or periods, and worsening womb problems.
GMC registration number: 4524038

Date: 24 October 2023
Next review: 23 October 2025
All UK registered doctors can have their registration checked on
The Medical Register at the GMC website.
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